Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Approving a campaign

Approve a campaign so that the campaign can be run and sent to the intended recipients.


  1. Access the Approvals and Notes screen for the campaign by one of the following options:
    • Click the Approvals and Notes icon for the campaign in Campaign View.
    • Click the Approvals and Notes button in the notification email.
    • In the Campaign Overview tab, click the Approvals button.
  2. Click Start Approving.

The campaign opens in Campaign Manager. If another approver clicks Start Approving they will receive a message saying the action cannot be completed.

  1. Review the campaign in Campaign Manager and click Approvals and Notes when you have finished.

You can only perform Campaign tests while the campaign is in an editing state. The user requesting the approval is expected to have run any tests prior to seeking approval. The test results are available in the campaign log for the approver to analyze.

  1. Select one of the following options:
    • Stop Approving: Puts the campaign back into a state of Pending Approval. This allows the user to withdraw the approval request to edit the campaign, or another approver to start approving the campaign.
    • Approve: Approves the campaign so that it can be started and sent to the intended recipients.
    • Reject: Puts the campaign back to the Editing status. The reasons for the rejection can be addressed and approval requested again.
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